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Created: 2016-07-05T08:20:36



  • Information Control rights refer to the right to supervise the management of a property. They may include rights to make a decision about how the land should be used.

    Created: 4/27/20

  • Information Direitos de controlo referem o direito de fiscalizar a gestão de uma propriedade. Podem incluir os direitos para tomar decisões sobre como deve ser utilizada uma terra.

    Created: 7/5/16

  • Information Droits de control, droits habilitant a déterminer le mode de gestion d'un bien; ils peuvent inclure le droit de décider comment un terrain doit être utilise, notamment quelles cultures peuvent y être pratiquées et de bénéficier financièrement de la vente des cultures.

    Created: 4/27/20


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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Created 3/6/15, last modified 6/16/21