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Käsitteen tiedot

utawala wa ardhi > mifumo ya taarifa za ardhi

Käytettävä termi

Luontipäivä: 2019-08-26T10:20:37

mifumo ya taarifa za ardhi  


  • Tietoja A Land Information System is a tool for legal, administrative and economic decision-making and an aid for planning and development. A land information system consists, on the one hand, of a database containing spatially referenced land-related data for a defined area and, on the other, of procedures and techniques for the systematic collection, updating, processing and distribution of the data. The base of a land information system is a uniform spatial referencing system, which also simplifies the linking of data within the system with other land-related data.

    Luontipäivä: 5/19/20

  • Tietoja Arazi yönetimi için gereken, grafik ve grafik olmayan araziye ilişkin farklı verilere ve öz niteliklere sahip bilgilerin tutulduğu ve bir veri tabanı işleviyle çalışan bilgi sistemi.

    Lähde: http://terim.tuba.gov.tr/

    Luontipäivä: 10/18/23



Muunkieliset termit



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