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Käsitteen tiedot

Derechos de tierras > Tenencia de la tierra > Continuidad en el derecho a la tierra

Käytettävä termi

Muokkauspäivä: 2017-09-28T09:54:26Z

Luontipäivä: 2017-09-28T07:48:02Z

Continuidad en el derecho a la tierra  


  • Tietoja A concept, or metaphor to describe a situation where different tenure forms incorporating a range of concepts, or interests exist simultaneously, often transforming and changing between forms over time. A range of land tenure types that may exist between a number of possibilities, such as individual ownership and customary interests, or family and customary lineage.

    Luontipäivä: 9/15/20


Muunkieliset termit



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