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land management > forestry > private forests

Anbefalt term

Sist endret: 2015-03-09T21:27:30Z

Opprettet: 2015-03-06T15:33:03Z

skos:notation: 1882e93f

private forests  


  • Information As florestas privadas são espaços florestais cujo funcionamento se encontra sujeito às regras comuns a todos os terrenos florestais (autorizações de abate, instalação de acesso, etc.).

    Opprettet: 7/5/16

  • Information Foret privée, foret des particuliers dont l'exploitation est soumise aux règles communes a tout terrain forestier (permis de couple, bordereau de route...).

    Opprettet: 4/27/20

  • Information Private forests where the detailed operations are controlled by the common rules for all forest land, including felling permits.

    Opprettet: 4/27/20

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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Opprettet 06.03.2015, sist endret 16.06.2021