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marché foncier > investissement foncier > gestion de biens (fonciers)

Tilrådd term

Sist endra: 2015-03-06T18:15:25Z

Oppretta: 2015-03-06T08:38:56Z

skos:notation: 21323863

gestion de biens (fonciers)  


  • Information Estate management is the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the land interests owned.

    Oppretta: 4/26/20

  • Information Gestão da propriedade (terra), é a ação para garantir a exploração ou a manutenção do valor da terra.

    Oppretta: 7/5/16

  • Information Gestion de biens (fonciers), est l'action d'assurer l'exploitation ou le maintien de la valeur de biens fonciers.

    Oppretta: 4/26/20

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Last ned dette omgrepet:

RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Oppretta 06.03.2015, sist endra 16.06.2021