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land rights > land access > use rights

Föredragen term

Ändringsdatum: 2017-03-08T16:49:06Z

Skapad: 2015-03-06T12:30:46Z

Notation: 945c9e82

use rights  


  • Information These are rights to use the land for agriculture, grazing, gathering of forestry products, etc. The right to use land is one of the essential rights of landownership, but may also be the right to use and profit from immovable property as if the user were the owner (usufruct).

    Skapad: 11/13/19

Överordnat begrepp


  • Information

    Skapad: 2019-11-13T11:22:14.513+01:00

    right of use

Termer på andra språk



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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Skapad 2015-03-06, senast editerad 2021-06-16