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land rights > land contracts > manure contract

Föredragen term

Ändringsdatum: 2015-03-06T18:16:59Z

Skapad: 2015-03-06T08:52:21Z

Notation: 6b8a1f45

manure contract  


  • Information A manure contract is an agreement where the herders supply the animals' manure to the farmers' land.

    Skapad: 4/25/20

  • Information Contrat de fumure, est un accord selon lequel les éleveurs cèdent les déjections de leurs animaux aux agricultures sur les terres desquels ils ont fait paitre leurs troupeaux.

    Skapad: 4/25/20

  • Information Um contrato de abastecimento de estrume é um acordo onde os pastores fornecem o estrume dos seus animais para fertilizar as terras de agricultores onde os seus animais pastam.

    Skapad: 7/5/16


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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Skapad 2015-03-06, senast editerad 2021-06-16